"Not Your Family" is a 'performance art' work where I place awkward family pictures in a public gym locker. So far, every time I return to the same locker they have been removed, most likely trashed. Each is signed and free-for-the-taking a la Banksey.

A different photo was posted about every week from July 2018 through February 2019.


The Lame Monkey Manifesto was an undergound newspaper at the University of Tennessee at Knoxville from 1986 to 1990. It provided a much needed balance to offset the administration-controlled student paper: The Daily Beacon. It pioneered university instructor evaluations, and helped students with landlord evaluations and humor.

Features included the Drop and Add Checklist, the Win A Date With Johnny Majors Sweepstakes, JIT, a fill-in-the-blank UT diploma, and the Chair of Excellence Sweepstakes, among much much more.

The Venetian Sanity Commission published a number of "religious" pamphlets distributed around the University of Tennessee at Knoxville and surrounding Fort Sanders neighborhood in the late 1980's. The VSC attempted to use the methods of religious pamphleteers to promote healthy skepticism and to turn people who are followers into free thinkers.

You R A Bug was the first campaign. Fliers were distributed, accompanied by "U R A Bug" spray painted on dumpsters throughout Ft. Sanders. You can read the pamphlet here.

You R A Sports Car followed, but did not have the same impact as the first.

The back of the pamphlet, much like its relgious counterparts, advertised and theological study program. The idea was to provide materials and training so that people who have have stopped using their minds might deprogram themselves of dogma. Sadly, developing this kind of study program demanded more time that I could devote.